What You Need To Know To Protect Your Yard For Winter

Imagine Backyard Living’s partnership with Creative Environments means that all of your design and landscaping expectations will be exceeded with projects customized to your specific needs and preferences. This winter, we’ve compiled several great tips to help you protect your outdoor environment for the cold season. Here is what you need to know to care for your yard over the next few months:
If you have any green lawn areas, it’s important to allow your grass to breathe during autumn and winter. This process is integral for encouraging new grass to grow! We recommend performing this process at least once in the warm season and once again in the colder months to optimize nutrient reach for roots.
Before the temperature drops too much, fertilizing is a great way to make sure that your plants have enough nutrients to make it through the harsh season. A fertilizer that is 10-15% phosphorous can help promote root and shoot growth for the spring.
Raking Leaves
After your plants shed their leaves, it’s a good practice to rake up the leaves. If left unattended, these leaves can form a dead organic mat that is responsible for brown matches in your green areas or can subsequently re-freeze causing damage to your fragile plants.
Keep Watering
A lesser-known fact is that you should continue to water your plant life throughout the cold season. Water is important to sustain growth and even though it is chilly out, your plants still need this vital component.
Keep Weeding
Alas, it is easy to get distracted with the holidays but integral to good winter yard care is to stay on top of weeding. Set a few reminders on your calendar now to take care of this pesky task to ensure a beautiful lush outdoor environment for spring.

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