Relaxing in the Wake of Busy-ness

In today’s society, it’s easy to fall into the trap of being busy. With the constant hustle and bustle of day to day tasks combined with the ever-present technology that keeps us connected and on-the-go, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the idea that being busy is how you should be. But is this a good way to live?

A few years ago, an editorial in the NYTimes by writer Tim Kreider examined this modern day phenomenon called busy. In this article, Kreider argues that the concept of being busy is a construct against boredom, against the insecurity of unimportance, against the fears of triviality.

At Imagine Backyard Living, we’d like to introduce a different approach to the notion of busy-ness and instead encourage a healthy relationship to balance and enjoyment. What this means is that working hard and actively multi-tasking doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing if it’s in balance with an inner peace and calmness that allows you to relish the fine art of living and enjoying yourself.

The Art of Relaxation

A key component to our mission at Imagine Backyard Living is to partner with the Valley’s best companies to bring an atmosphere and environment to our clients that promote the art of relaxation.

By creating beautiful outdoor spaces that enable you to life your life to it’s fullest, whether through outdoor grilling, cooking, gathering together with friends and loved ones to swim or celebrate any one of life’s special moments, we seek to design and execute the perfect setting for you to create your memories in.

Don’t get caught in the whirlwind of a hectic pace without taking the time to pause, reflect, appreciate, and relax!

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